How to add an image

To learn how to add images in Tarvent, follow the steps below or watch the video above. In this article, we will go over how to add images into your email content.

Here are the steps:

  1. In the drag-and-drop editor, click the plus icon.
  2. Drag on the image element into your email content.
  3. Once dropped, select the image element.
  4. In the content tab, click the area under the word "Image".
  5. In the library dialog, select the image you'd like to add in the email content.
  6. Optionally, in the content tab, you can set the alt text for accessibility and set the link the image should go to if it's clicked.
  7. In the styling tab, you can change the styling of the image.


  • If you need to upload an image that's not in your account, you can do that in the library dialog when selecting an image.
  • Rounded corners on images work in Outlook. (Try it with a test and see the magic happen!)
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