Audience Groups 101

Did you know?
You can create an empty group or use segmentation to add all contacts that meet specific criteria.
Each contact can be in an unlimited number of groups. However, there is only a single contact record, meaning that contact updates will be reflected across all groups a contact is associated with.
Use private groups to isolate contacts only you and your team can see. Contacts will never see private groups.
Public groups can be used as "Interests" within a form, allowing the contact to specify which groups they want to be part of.
If you make name or description updates to a public group, save any forms that display these groups to ensure the latest group information is displayed.
Have you been to a tradeshow or networking event? Import your new contacts into a group using the event's name so you know where the contacts came from.
Groups are a great way to store contacts you use to test your campaigns. When testing a campaign, you can select the group you want to send a campaign test to. Make sure your group has less than 30 people due to campaign testing limits.
Have a group of people that you send your campaign to for testing? Use a private group to make sending that test easier.
How is a group different than a segment?
A group is a static list of contacts, meaning contacts can only be added or removed from a group via a form, editing a contact, and other means.
What are public and private groups?
Private groups are only visible to users with access to your account and the specific audience the private group is in. Public groups can be displayed in sign-up and profile update forms as interests, allowing contacts to select which groups they are part of.
If I send a campaign to multiple groups, can contacts get duplicate emails?
No. Tarvent will take care of that for you, so each contact will get only one email, even if they are part of multiple groups to which you are sending a campaign.
Learn more about groups
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