Audience Segments 101

Did you know?
A segment is a real-time query of your contacts that returns contacts that meet specific criteria you set.
Segments are one of the best tools to target contacts with specific demographic and behavioral traits best suited for your marketing message.
The segment does not store any contacts, just the criteria Tarvent will use to return contacts. You can use these segments to target specific contacts for a Campaign, Journey, and more.
You can edit segment criteria at any time. Once segment criteria is changed, all areas of Tarvent that use the segment will implement the new criteria in real time.
How is a segment different than a group?
A segment is a dynamic query of your audience contacts based on criteria you set. Segment criteria dictate which contacts are returned when the segment is used. Groups, unlike segments, are static. Contacts can only be to a group through forms, imports, journeys, surveys, and other means.
If I delete a segment, will segment contacts be deleted?
No, when deleting a segment, only the segment itself is deleted, and contacts are left untouched.
Can a segment query contacts within specific groups?
Yes. A segment can query the entire audience or be limited to specific public and private groups you select.
Learn more about segments
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