Audience Settings 101

Did you know?
Reduce SPAM complaints and unsubscribes by enabling subscription confirmations. When a contact subscribes, they will receive a confirmation email, requiring the content to click a confirm button to confirm their "subscribe" request. Contacts will only receive your campaign once they confirm.
Setting campaign defaults speeds up the campaign creation process. Campaign defaults will be used when creating a campaign associated with the audience.
Do you manually add or edit contacts often? Use data field categories to group data fields into sections. The grouping and grouping order will control how data fields are displayed when adding or editing a contact.
Why should I enable subscription confirmations?
Use subscription confirmation (aka double opt-in confirmation email) to increase deliverability, decrease spam reports, and increase overall engagement. However, in some cases, you may want to skip the additional step required to subscribe. The balance of ease to subscribe and reduction in SPAM is something you need to weigh and select the option that works best for you. NOTE: This does not apply to imported contacts.
What are the GDPR settings for?
GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is a European Union regulation on information privacy in the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA). The GDPR question in your forms uses these settings. These settings often help you comply with the CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act) laws.
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